
We promote awareness and educate about Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  SCA is a major public health problem that many people are sadly not aware of.  Our group participates in health fairs and teaches use of an Automated External Defibrillator.

Read our article in Tacoma Weekly by clicking the link below:
Tacoma Weekly
Saving the Hearts of Tacoma

We are very proud of our current endeavor,  which is  the Heart of Tacoma Schools Project. This will provide Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) for all of the schools in the Tacoma School District. The Tacoma Fire Department joined us in this effort and assessed all of the Tacoma High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools and determined the number of AED’s needed and recommended placement of these AEDs on the school campuses.  The cost of each AED is $1000.

Through a generous Grant from the Grindstone Foundation in 2014 to our organization, many personal contributions and the following fundraising events:

Lynch Creek Run 2012

Lynch Creek Run 2013
Cardiac Classic Golf Tournament 2013
Atlas Brookings-Mentalist Show 2013

We were able to purchase and have installed 31 AED’s, in all of the Tacoma High Schools in the spring and summer of 2014.
These fundraisers took place in  2014.

Lynch Creek Run 2014
Go Fund Me Account
Cardiac Classic Golf Tournament 2014

In addition to the above fundraising, in December of 2014, Puget Sound Energy Foundation generously donated a $10,000 Grant for purchase of AED’s for The Heart of Tacoma Schools Project. We so appreciate their help in our efforts.  This Grant has allowed us to achieve our next goal of purchasing 28 AED’s for the Tacoma Middle Schools. We plan to have these AEDs purchased and installed in the Middle Schools in spring of 2015.

Our next step is the purchase of 36 AED’s for the Tacoma Elementary Schools.  We hope to raise funds for these by the end of 2015, which will achieve our goal of installing AED’s throughout the entire Tacoma School District and complete our Heart of Tacoma Schools Project.

From there, we will branch out into Pierce County and surrounding areas to assess the need for AED’s in schools and continue raising funds and make sure there are the appropriate number of AED’s in all schools so we can save lives from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.